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We are sending ALL donations given to PSA through 2024 to help with on-the-ground, real time help for our neighbors in NC and TN who have been affected by Hurricane Helene.  Your donation will go to fund supplies, meals, and help build tiny homes for those displaced.

Help raise up a generation that will uphold and protect the values, freedoms and greatness of this nation. 

Patriotic Students of America is a registered 501(c)(3).  Your tax deductible gift today, towards curriculum development or scholarship funds will help bring this inspiring new movement to every state from sea to sea. Will you join us?

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Image by Luke Stackpoole
Inspire a Generation
We rely on donors like you to help bring this amazing new curriculum to kids across the Nation.   Curriculum for year 1 and 2 is now available, and we have added a 5-day Constitution  Boot Camp to our curriculum as well.  

We need your help. Will you partner with us to make Patriotic Students of America a success for all our students?  Your gift of any amount will help us with the creation, production and development of these ground-breaking, exciting, new lessons. 

If you would like to sponsor one club of 10 students, so each student can have their own copy of the curriculum to take home, the amount is $150.  

Thank you for your partnership.   
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